- Phrasefire is a customizable platform made by physicians to ameliorate our workflow.
- We’ve called it a tiny language model.
- Designed for maximum ease of use and to be highly intuitive for physicians who admit patients to the hospital. Applicable to the clinic setting.
Step 1
Setup your account. Email and password is needed to start. This platform is designed for and allows licensed physicians only. The easiest way to show this is to have a verified Doximity account. If not, simply email photo proof of physician licensure in your country to info@phrasefire.com
Think of your top 5 diagnoses that you admit to the hospital.
Login and go to the dashboard, note the HPI key word input area which will trigger your assessment/plans, studies, medications to be shown. Nothing is triggered by text yet as we have not defined the outputs.
Under My Assessment/Plans, click on the Create button. Define a few keywords, add an assessment/plan (devoid of any patient health information or any such identifiers), input links to desired studies and medication information found online and save.
Go to the Browse tab. Type either the diagnoses (ex. PNA) or keyword (SOB) you would like to search for. You can also search by user if you have a colleague on the platform that you know. Save a variety of assessment/plans. They will come loaded with whatever studies and medication information the user originally saved. Customize as desired.
Favorites is for assessment/plans discovered whilst browsing that you don’t wish to populate in the dashboard during clinical use. Inputting the keyword at the dashboard will not call up these favorites. Once you click on the icon “Save to My Assessment/Plans” they will then populate the dashboard.
Enjoy! See this video we made for an early beta tester.
check us out at http://www.phrasefire.com