Robot Replaced Human Physician. This Happened.

     With a robot there is no compassion, no human interaction, no kindness—all things that human physicians can bring to the physician-patient interaction. In this case it was a robot with a human physician transmitted over a screen and it still didn’t work out well. 

Check this situation out—this large healthcare system hospital interaction featured a “tele robot” delivering end of life news to a patient. This interaction received widespread negative press at the time. In the interaction, a doctor is seen speaking through a video screen robot to the patient. He is not present in the room. “At some point the mask will not be enough,” He says about the patient’s likely impending death.  Although the video display of a human doctor was there, the robot delivery removed all personal human qualities of the interaction (links below). 

The best human physicians bring compassion, kindness, and empathy. When the interaction goes well, they end up being the patient’s advocate and friend through toughest times in life.

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