The Problem: EMR Overload

Physicians spend an overwhelming portion of their day interacting with the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) instead of their patients. According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2015), doctors dedicate 49.2% of their workday to EMR (and other computer) work, compared to just 27% spent with patients. This imbalance not only detracts from the doctor-patient relationship but also burdens physicians with a frustrating workflow. No doctor went to medical school for the reason of becoming a computer professional.

Impact on Burnout

This documentation-heavy workload is a significant driver of burnout. With 55% of U.S. physicians experiencing burnout, this issue affects approximately 590,000 doctors. The emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced sense of accomplishment associated with burnout are linked to an increased risks of medical errors.

How Phrasefire Helps

Phrasefire combats physician burnout by assisting MDs with the EMR interaction and cutting down the time spent on EMR tasks. Phrasefire is entirely customizable by the physician-user and helps us spend more time focusing on patients and less on keyboards.

For individual users

Licensed Physician


Billed Monthly

Welcome Licensed Physicians! Interns under supervision OK. Save 2-3 major errors yearly >$900 saved per error. $10.99/mo

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