When it comes to physician wellness in residency, who has the time?
The Resident Workday:
Patients to see, medical documentation to sign, multiple conferences, literature to catch up on, exams to study for, interviews, evaluations, etc.
Residents work a physically demanding and under-reported “80 hour workweek.”
Let Phrasefire help with the documentation.
1. Increase efficiency by triggering 3 information categories with each keyword--Assessment/Plans, Studies, Medications. Our fully customizable small language model is designed specifically for the physician workflow.
2. Allow attending review and supply of team assessment/plans (avoid unnecessary pimping sessions).
3. Embed EBM links, hospital information, reminders about specific error, etc. within the assessment/plan for easy access.
4. Share assessment/plans across EMRs.
5. Edit assessment/plans from other users on the platform and incorporate into your own team.
6. Attending can share team assessment/plans on day one of the rotation. All team members on the same page from the start.