Phrasefire is a Shareable Small Language Model for Physicians

Currently physician-authored assessment+plans and dot phrases are locked within Electronic Medical Record walled gardens. These require multiple logins to get in and multiple menus to access and edit the content. 

This is not easy to access at home or with different EMRs, in different hospitals. 

Not easy to share. 

Phrasefire is physician-designed customizable small language model platform made to allow maximum ease of use and share-ability of these assessment+plans and other notes.  These are the intellectual property of MDs and not the EMRs. 

Welcome Earliest Users of Phrasefire Medical!

It is now time to explore more about Phrasefire with all of you.

The goals for the beta test:

1. Get real world use out of this program by reducing inpatient and outpatient error.

2. Increase the digital footprint of use whilst building contacts along the way—one or more of you might be extremely interested in this stuff, let us know if that’s the case. We are always looking for future team members.